Small farm or large scale agriculture?
Whether you work on a small family farm or you manage tens of thousands of acres, we have solutions that will help you be more productive in agriculture. Everything from scale-integrated seed or fertilizer tenders to cab controlled tractor attachments, we’ve done it all. Wireless remote control offers ease of installation, durability, exceptional control, and many advantages for today’s farming or agricultural needs, without sacrificing safety.
With the sophistication of the advanced functional control that we see in the cab, comes the need to integrate GPS automation, laser control, data logging and transfer, and much more with the precision of the operator controls in order to become even more efficient.
That’s where Tele Radio remote control solutions come in. Perhaps you need a better view of your implement during operation or maybe you just want to stay in out of the rain, wind, sun, and the elements; let us help you optimize your machinery and bring ergonomic comfort to your long hard days out in the field.
Operate any piece of agricultural equipment or tractor attachment, either proportional or digital actuation; integrate scales, disbursement rate controls, automation, data management systems; customize your equipment to maximize your time and effort with Tele Radio agricultural remote control solutions.

To give an idea of the possibilities, we have some examples of applications and their typical products below:

A wide array of harvesters – alfalfa, garlic, carrots, beets, etc. can all be controlled with ease and efficiency. Pull behind attachments or application specific machinery, with a Tele Radio wireless remote control solution installed on this equipment, you can could control speed, turn on and off functions, adjusting harvesting settings and more.

Rugged, durable, and ready for anything; the Tele Radio transmitters works as hard as you do. From sun up to sun down, the livestock need your attention, choose a partner that will be dependable and safe to use all day long. With a variety of features, this wireless control solution allows you to pick up, move, release, and unroll bales well into the night if need be. With options like our cake feeder control, you can create a solution that works well and lets you keep track of what you’ve already done.

Whether with scales, automation, or simple operator control, both the Tiger and the Panther transmitters offer robust, intuitive control of the tender. Any agricultural or construction bulk material transfer application can be controlled easily with our systems which provide safe operation for thousands of hours; out in the field or inside the mixing facility. Contact us today to find out how we can help you benefit from including wireless remote control on your machinery.
Dine præferencer for sikkerhed og funktionalitet
Valget af den rigtige sender til din brug sker bedst i samråd med Tele Radios medarbejdere. Vi leverer forskellige sendere med specifikke egenskaber. Følgende tre ting er afgørende for dit valg:

Vores sendere er sikre, og mange modeller har uafhængig sikkerhedscertificering. Det betyder, at stopknappens funktion er testet og verificeret af en ekstern, uafhængig part. Det anbefales at vælge et system med uafhængig sikkerhedscertificering, hvis man ønsker at minimere risikoen for skader ved brug af maskiner. Ingen sikkerhedsrisiko? Så kan du vælge en sender uden certificering.

Knapper eller joysticks
Med brug af trykknapper er en sender mere overskuelig, men bestemt ikke mindre præcis. En sender med proportionelle trykknapper har for eksempel præcisionen som en joysticksender. Ved at trykke længere ind på knappen øges aktiveringsgraden. En joysticksender er større, men har for eksempel flere muligheder for tilpasning i form af specielle knapper og kontakter.

Visse sendere kan modtage information fra en kontrolleret modtager. Afhængigt af systemet kan du gøre informationen synlig ved hjælp af lysdioder på senderen eller via et display. Når du styrer en kran er det for eksempel muligt at bruge displayet til at vise information såsom løftevægt eller advarsler. Denne funktion vil være mindre relevant til mindre komplicerede applikationer, såsom lastbilspil.