How does the Zero Position Check on a remote control contribute to workplace safety?

Uncategorized @us • Posted on February 5, 2021 at 3:46 pm

Providing a safe working environment is extremely important. As a supplier of wireless remote control for industrial applications, we understand this all too well. Our systems make work easier, safer, provide a clear view and give you operational freedom. To make our products work as safely as possible, a number of our remote controls have a so-called zero position check.

What is a zero-position check and what does it do?

The zero-position check is a programmed control function to prevent unsafe work situations. All our Tele Radio, radio remote controls with an emergency stop have this function. The zero-position check verifies – when the remote control is activated – whether the buttons and / or switches of the remote control are in a neutral position. If this is not the case, the remote control will indicate it. For example, a button has been pressed or a switch is turned on. The remote control does not become active until all buttons or switches are first in the neutral position.

This control function can be used for various activities; for example, with a glazier who installs windows. The installation of windows in a building is done with a glass vacuum fitted with strong suction cups. With our Tele Radio transmitters, these types of glass vacuums can be safely controlled remotely.

The zero-position check is very important to prevent the glass vacuum from dropping the window suddenly. This is programmed in such a way that, when the user of the remote control is outside the range of the glass vacuum, the zero-position check function ensures that the suction cups of the glass vacuum continue to hold the glass pane and do not let go. This significantly reduces the risk of glass damage and serious accidents.

The way in this security function should respond to prevent unsafe situations depends on the application. This requires customization and we can provide this. In case you would like to get some free advice, we are happy to talk to you to find out how we can meet your specific wishes. Feel free to contact us here!
