
Munck Cranes A/S

The company Munck Cranes is a crane manufacturer located in Bergen, Norway. The company was founded in 1924 by Mr. Sverre Munck and started out its history as a trading company that sold escalators, elevators and rope hoists. The Munck Company has been a pioneer within the Norwegian export industry. The very first Munck hoist for export was shipped to Sweden in 1948, and the same year also to England. Thereafter the export to very many overseas markets picked up rapidly.

A world wide supplier

Later, in the 1950s and 1960s, subsidiary companies were established in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Sweden, Brazil and Belgium. Further, a network of agents were established in other parts of the world. Still today, Munck is working very closely with many of these companies, although they are managed by local owners. Currently Munch Cranes supply their products globally and the Norwegian factory alone ships out 750 cranes a year but adding in other Munck locations that number rises to over a 1000 cranes.

The first in remote controlled cranes

Munck was the first crane manufacturer who dropped the cable control as a standard on their cranes and replacede it with a remote control. If you wanted a cable control you had to buy it separately; reomving the cable control was unheard of in the industry and caused a wave of criticism from competitors. Looking back you cannot argue that Munck was a pioneer in the technical advancement of crane controllers through its courageous act.

“We use Tele Radio because of its outstanding service and support organization, something that is very important to us and our business.”

-Rune Wabø, Managing Director at Munck Cranes.