“Making Tree Work Safe and Efficient”
For more than 10 years, the ‘GMT felling head’ has always been the best solution concerning safe and efficient tree removal in urban areas along railways, highways, and waterways. The felling head is a durable and fully hydraulically operating system that can be mounted on any crane-carrying vehicle.

For the past 2 years, the new TTC system (Total Tree Control) has been in use. Where previously the felling head could only swing in a flexible fashion, it can now be made completely rigid at the push of a button. This keeps the tree parts in the position in which they were sawn. In addition, you will have better control when tilting the tree parts. This holding force is hydraulically realized, but its activation requires an electronic signal that controls the valve. However, not every type of (crane-carrying) vehicle has an additional electrical signal available or the capability for integration into its existing operation. Tele Radio’s remote-control components have shown to be the ideal solution for this problem.
Gert-Jan Nekkers (Senior Project Engineer) and Ingar Luttik (Business Development Manager) of GMT Equipment share a great experience regarding their collaboration with Tele Radio. The company had no prior experience with working with transmitters.
At GMT Equipment, all equipment is hydraulically operated. This is due to the company’s background and experience in the area of hydraulics. However, the machinery’s new functionality forced them to look beyond just the hydraulics. Although, at first, people were hesitant to start working with a different technique, therefore, a suitable adaptation to working with a signal was necessary which led to finding the ideal transmitter and receiver.
In addition, the staff did not want large, clumsy devices, but compact yet durable tools that could easily fit in your pocket. Tele Radio’s product range meets both needs. Together with Tele Radio’s Technical Service, we worked hard on a solution. Consequently, the new TTC system was put into use in September 2020.
At the request of a number of customers, a few adjustments have already been made since the introduction of the new system; a good example of continuous product development. Tele Radio likes to think along with the customer and uses practical experience in combination with their systems to improve the product, without the need for a long research or development time.
GMT has been more than happy with our working ethics as they like to work this way themselves and think of solutions rather than problems.
The Felling Head
The grab and saw functions are hydraulically fully integrated into the felling head. This means that several operations can be performed subsequently. Using the Tele Radio transmitter, the unit’s braking system can be locked or stopped at any time. This prevents the treetop from moving or tipping over. Very important when removing damaged or dead trees in urban and congested areas. This solution guarantees that the treetop does not fall uncontrollably but instead, is transported to the right place by the grab.
This makes the entire process a lot safer, not only for the local residents but especially for the person carrying out these activities. It is no longer necessary to climb a tree via an aerial platform. Nowadays the work can be carried out from the ground. So, in addition to being safer, it is also more efficient. it is no coincidence that this also includes the company slogan.