Euro Prima Doo Business Story - Remote Control for Harvesting Machinery

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  • Euro Prima doo

    Herb specialist operating in Serbia

    Euro Prima doo

    Herb specialist operating in Serbia

Euro Prima Doo Business Story – Remote Control for harvesting machinery

Specialist in herb cultivation

The company Euro Prima is a Serbian supplier of harvesting machinery, specialized in harvesting medicinal plants and herbs like rosemary, mint, lemon grass, parsley and many others. The company is based in Novi Sad in Serbia with customers in 50 countries all over the world.

More convenient with Tele Radio

Pictured above is the Harvester-Mower NB 2005 V which as the name implies a harvesting unit that is made for chamomile, mint and other herbs. It travels over the plants, suspended in mid-air by the tractor, separating the flowers from the stalk leaving most of the plant intact.
The company and its customers experienced problems and inconveniences making adjustments to the operation with the wired controls, By using a remote control system from Tele Radio the operator can easily control the harvester, while not having to leave the air-conditioned cabin of the tractor while working in the hot agricultural fields.

For this particular system the customer purchased Panther systems consisting of a PN-T19-2 transmitter and a PN-R8-3 receiver. The setup provides use of interlocking relay groups which turns off one function while starting another. This solution made the customers happy and also proved to be very easy to install for the company as well.