Tele Radio launches new corporate identity | Tele Radio

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Tele Radio launches new corporate identity

Uncategorized @us • Posted on February 20, 2019 at 10:13 am

safe • smart • strong

Tele Radio was founded in Sweden in 1955 as a small company, later specialized in the development of radio control systems. It has since grown into a company of global importance in the field of industrial wireless remote control solutions. The combination of high-quality products and dedicated attention to specific customer needs has made the company internationally successful. Moreover, there has never been a better time for Tele Radio: everything today hinges on the protection of people and the environment by means of smart, customer-specific solutions that reduce costs and ensure comfortable and safe working conditions for personnel — the critical success factor for every company. In other words: the time was ripe to go adopt our global stance, complete with new branding and logo.

The popularity of wireless solutions continues to grow, and rightly so, remote control has clearly proven to be the safest and most comfortable way to control machinery. This is exactly why Tele Radio puts the human being at the center of its new brand positioning with Safe surrounding this safe core are the layers Smart (for flexible solutions), and Strong to emphasize that all products developed and sold by Tele Radio are rugged and reliable. Under all conditions.

New branding

Last year Tele Radio initiated the development of a new corporate identity, including a new logo, to give the company a consistent look wherever it does business around the world. Modern and energetic, but also tough and dependable –like its products and services.

Ola Samelius, President:

“As a company, we want to express our core objective:safety for the operator.You can’t achieve this by simply taking a product from the shelf and shipping it in a box; the only right way is to immerse yourself in the actual working environment, alongside the people that work there. That is where you decide how to develop the optimum solution.”

Tele Radio offers every possibility to translate requirements and wishes into suitable technical specifications. For example, if you often employ temporary staff, then the controls must be simple and obvious. There should be no doubt regarding the purpose of a button. By contrast, specially-trained personnel doing complex work under challenging conditions often need real-time data in order to make split-second decisions. For these situations, we offer advanced, smart remote controls with a built-in display for this data, as well as options for custom programming and feedback. Outdoor environments require rugged, waterproof controls, with systems that comply with stringent safety requirements, certified to SIL3, PLd or PLe.For this purpose, the company works closely with designated Notified Bodies.

New products

The new branding has been adopted worldwide from 1 February 2019, and will quickly become apparent on the – likewise – new website. New products will also be launched on the website in the coming year. These have now passed the drawing board phase, and are currently being tested and inspected to guarantee maximum safety.

Ola Samelius:

“One of the first new products features a modular design. Based on a standard enclosure, it is possible to incorporate the operation of virtually any desired function. The user is free to choose. Above all, the great advantage is that these wireless solutions can always be modified. Extra functionality can be added without difficulty, and the ability to entirely adapt the functional software means you have greater programming freedom. This gives our customers more possibilities as their needs change and grow, for example if they wish to innovate or adapt their machinery.”
